Revive Health & Wellness Blog
Empowered Connections
Supporting Women in Navigating Love, Identity, and Well-Being
Therapy is just one part of the journey—real growth happens in the moments in between. Our blog is here to support you with insights, practical tips, and reflections to help you navigate life, deepen self-awareness, and continue learning beyond the therapy room.
Revive's Toolkit: A Grounding Technique to Reduce Anxiety
Do you need to feel grounded during the day when you feel overwhelmed with stress? This grounding technique will teach you how to calm down and reduce anxiety in under 10 minutes.
Reduce Anxiety In Under 10 Minutes!
We are all so busy! In this video, Amanda describes a simple way you can connect to your partner by just taking 2-3 minutes out of your day. Hint: it involves a hug!
Doing This Could Lead to Divorce
We all want successful relationships! There are very easy steps to begin to communicate in ways that will increase your chances of staying together. One way is to avoid research proven things that destroy relationships. Studies have shown that the the single best predictor of...
3 Ways to Stay Connected When Life is Busy
Lately we’ve been thinking about how to stay connected a lot, because summers are SO, SO BUSY! i’ve also been talking with clients about how to prioritize their relationship when for 3-4 months, it can feel like all you do is run around, work, and...
3 Tips for Getting Your Partner to Listen to You
During stressful conversations, communication in relationships can go one of two ways. It can escalate both partners, meaning both people’s feelings become more and more negative, the stress response increases, hearts beat faster, arguing ensues...OR, it can de-escalate, meaning that certain attempts to keep things...
Dealing with Anxiety During a Busy Day
A lot of people say they simply don’t have time to slow down or deal with overwhelming thoughts throughout the day. There is just too much to do - too many calls to make, work problems to troubleshoot, lists of personal tasks, kids to take...
Guide to a Healthy Breakup
There are so many clients who come to us looking for guidance and help getting through one of the most difficult losses in life - divorce or breakup from a long term relationship. It truly is devastating - you put so much energy, time, and...
Did You Get Married To Be Happy?
Recently I’ve come across several articles that have aimed to describe the point of marriage. Why do we get married? What do we get out of it? Do we expect too much? Do our expectations need to be altered so that we are viewing the...
Do You Need To Spice Up Your Sex Life?
Many, many couples come to therapy in need of a spicier sex life. Some, in fact, never even bring this up in therapy but the word "intimacy" is tossed around a lot. It's not uncommon for people to feel strange or awkward about talking about...
Tips for Managing Anger in Your Relationship
I’ve been talking about anger with a lot of clients lately and I got to thinking, there should be a blog post about this! This post is for you if you experience anger on a very regular basis and aren’t sure what to do with...
How to Tell If You're Clinically Depressed
"Depressed" is a term that can be overused and misconstrued. And to be honest, many people really aren't sure what it means. And like most things, it's not always black and white! In therapy, we use very specific diagnostic criteria to properly diagnose clients based...
Do You Feel Helpless In Your Relationship?
Many men and women who are in long term relationships find themselves feeling helpless at SOME point. If you are feeling this way now, this blog piece is for you - hopefully to help you feel less hopeless, less powerless, and like you have some...
Secret to Listening to Your Wife
Does your wife or girlfriend ask for more understanding from you and you have NO idea how to give it to her? I want to help you learn how to do this in one simple step. I have found time and time again with clients...
The Power of Saying Thank You
Have you been feeling unappreciated by your spouse? Are you having a hard time remembering the last time he or she looked you in the eye and expressed appreciation for something you did for the family? In my experience, couples who focus on saying thank...
Didn’t Have a Valentine? Here’s How to Date Smarter!
Ah, Valentine’s Day. Some of us are REALLY glad it’s over. If that’s you, you may have had to cope with feelings of loneliness, sadness, and irritation (probably made worse by the millions of social media posts with flowers and chocolates!) In fact, you may...
Valentine's Day in a New Relationship
As we round the corner toward Valentine’s Day, it got me thinking about all of the relationships that this holiday celebrates. You may be expecting a 10-course dinner and a dozen red roses, or you and your partner may purposely avoid the cliche and choose...
Are You Playing the Blame Game? Here's Why You Need to Stop
Blame and game – two words that should never be joined together. The truth is, the blame game is no fun to play and there are never any winners. And, perhaps, the biggest loser of all is the one who is doing all the blaming....
Treat Yourself: The Importance of Putting Yourself First & Self Care
If I asked whether you were the victim of childhood emotional neglect (CEN), would you know how to answer? Probably not. CEN is often misunderstood and therefor, misdiagnosed. Childhood emotional neglect means an individual was not provided the emotional support from parents and other adults...
How to Help a Loved One Suffering from Depression
Watching a loved one suffer from depression is incredibly difficult. All you want to do is help them feel better. But when it becomes obvious you can’t take their pain away, you can become frustrated. As a friend or family member of someone suffering from...
5 Important Relationship Questions You Need to Answer
You’ve probably heard this a thousand times, but here it is again: Relationships are tough and they require constant work. You and your partner have to be ready to put in the work every single day, and one way to do this is through constant...