Revive Health & Wellness Blog

Empowered Connections

Supporting Women in Navigating Love, Identity, and Well-Being

Therapy is just one part of the journey—real growth happens in the moments in between. Our blog is here to support you with insights, practical tips, and reflections to help you navigate life, deepen self-awareness, and continue learning beyond the therapy room.

Understanding Anxiety
Anxiety Alexis Ryan Anxiety Alexis Ryan

Understanding Anxiety

Introduction Anxiety is one of the most common mental health challenges, affecting millions of people globally. While it is a natural response to stress and can sometimes serve as a helpful motivator, chronic or overwhelming anxiety can significantly impact a person's quality of life. This...

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30 Common Signs of Stress
Stress, Anxiety Alexis Ryan Stress, Anxiety Alexis Ryan

30 Common Signs of Stress

Stress is a reaction that occurs when someone feels pressured or threatened, and while some amount of stress can energize you and motivate you to complete tasks, too much of it can negatively your mental and physical health. Even if you regularly experience stress, you...

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What Causes OCD to Flare Up?
OCD, Anxiety Alexis Ryan OCD, Anxiety Alexis Ryan

What Causes OCD to Flare Up?

You’ve probably heard of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), a condition that causes someone to have recurring, unwanted thoughts and urges (obsessions) and/or repetitively perform certain actions (compulsions). But did you know that certain things can cause OCD symptoms to worsen? Here are four potential causes of...

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What Are the 5 Stages of PTSD?
PTSD, Anxiety Alexis Ryan PTSD, Anxiety Alexis Ryan

What Are the 5 Stages of PTSD?

You’ve likely heard of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a mental health condition that can cause someone to experience anxiety, flashbacks, nightmares, and other symptoms after living through a traumatic event. But did you know that the mental health community commonly divides PTSD into five stages?...

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How to Support a Loved One With OCD
OCD, Anxiety Alexis Ryan OCD, Anxiety Alexis Ryan

How to Support a Loved One With OCD

Has one of your friends or family members been diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)? Below, we explain what OCD is, and we also offer tips for what you can do to support your loved one as they deal with this condition. What Is OCD? Obsessive-compulsive...

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Managing Anxiety in the Workplace
Anxiety, Career Alexis Ryan Anxiety, Career Alexis Ryan

Managing Anxiety in the Workplace

Anxiety can affect every aspect of our lives, including our employment. And if workplace anxiety isn’t properly managed, it has the potential to negatively impact our careers. For example, if a promotion would require you to interact more with clients, give more presentations, or take...

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Understanding Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety Alexis Ryan Anxiety Alexis Ryan

Understanding Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Everyone worries from time to time. But if you find yourself worrying on most days for at least six months, you may have a condition known as generalized anxiety disorder. People with this disorder often worry excessively about everyday issues, such as their: Health Family...

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Understanding Social Anxiety Disorder
Relationships, Anxiety Alexis Ryan Relationships, Anxiety Alexis Ryan

Understanding Social Anxiety Disorder

Also known as “social phobia,” social anxiety disorder causes someone to intensely fear normal social interactions. This is more than shyness or a fear of public speaking—someone with social anxiety disorder excessively worries about being judged during everyday situations such as making eye contact with...

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OCD, Anxiety Alexis Ryan OCD, Anxiety Alexis Ryan

OCD Behaviors: How do They Manifest?

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) affects millions of people in this country from all walks of life. If you or a loved one suffers with OCD, you know the symptoms typically include developing strict routines or avoiding specific objects or situations. But what is the root...

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Panic Attacks, Anxiety Alexis Ryan Panic Attacks, Anxiety Alexis Ryan

5 Ways to Stop Panic Attacks

If you’ve ever experienced a panic attack, you know firsthand the name is apropos. Within seconds you can go from feeling quite well and “ordinary” to experiencing absolute dread and fear. And often with no obvious trigger. It’s a horrible way to live. But you...

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Anxiety Alexis Ryan Anxiety Alexis Ryan

Types of Anxiety Disorders

At some point in our lives, most of us will experience anxiety. It’s actually a natural reaction to many stressors such as starting a new job, taking final exams, and becoming a new parent. Now for many people, the anxiety will subside once the stressor...

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Stress, Anxiety Alexis Ryan Stress, Anxiety Alexis Ryan

The Three Types of Stress

Stress is a normal part of life. And a little bit of stress can actually be a good thing. For instance, when we lift weights, we are stressing our muscles, helping them to become bigger and stronger. Similarly, little bits of mental stress can help...

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