Revive Health & Wellness Blog
Empowered Connections
Supporting Women in Navigating Love, Identity, and Well-Being
Therapy is just one part of the journey—real growth happens in the moments in between. Our blog is here to support you with insights, practical tips, and reflections to help you navigate life, deepen self-awareness, and continue learning beyond the therapy room.

Psychology vs. Psychiatry
Many people use the terms “psychology” and “psychiatry” interchangeably, but they actually refer to two different areas of practice. Psychologists and psychiatrists are both trained to identify and treat mental health issues, and both regularly treat patients using psychotherapy (talk therapy). However, because psychiatrists are...

Understanding CBT: What It Is & How It Works
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of talk therapy that focuses on identifying inaccurate or negative thinking, viewing difficult situations more clearly, and responding to those situations more effectively. CBT can be administered on an individual basis or in a group setting, and in...

9 Daily Habits That Can Boost Happiness
Are you struggling to find joy in your everyday life? If so, you’re not alone. Many people have a difficult time achieving happiness, and yet it’s critical for our health and well-being—happiness can reduce stress, lower our blood pressure, improve our cardiovascular health, strengthen our...

Mental Health Effects of Excessive Screen Time
If we’re honest, most of us would admit we look at some form of digital screen more than we do the face of our friends and loved ones. From our phones to iPad, laptops and flatscreen TVs the size of an entire wall, screen time...

How to Tell When You’re Feeling Burned Out
Many people think of burnout as simply being incredibly tired after a long week or month of work or school studies. But burnout is much more than a physical exhaustion; it has in fact been called the “triad of depersonalization, emotional exhaustion, and feelings of...
The Different Types of Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy can be a powerful vehicle for personal transformation. By speaking with a trained therapist in a safe and confidential environment, a person has the opportunity to explore their inner world and gain an understanding of their behaviors. Research has now shown that individual psychotherapy...
How to Support Your Mental Health Between Therapy Sessions
Therapy is a wonderful way to explore your inner world, process your feelings, and inspire transformation. But what my clients often tell me is that a day or so after our session, they begin to feel a little lost and anxious again. It’s important to...
Beginner’s Guide to Focusing on Mental Health
These days, many people focus on their physical health. But few give much attention, if any, to their mental health. What does mental health refer to? Mental health describes a person’s overall psychological health and well-being. It has much to do with the way you...
Signs you Need to Take a Mental Health Day
Do you ever get up in the morning and wonder if it would be okay for you to take a mental health day? If so, you’re definitely not alone. In fact, research from the American Psychological Association shows that today’s workforce is experiencing job burnout...
Give the Gift of Mental Health: 5 Present Ideas
The holidays are just around the corner, and many of us are struggling to come up with gift ideas our friends and family will love. With so many people dealing with stress and anxiety these days over the recession, layoffs and threat of nuclear war,...
Mental Health Care for The Career Woman
When you think about it, modern women are really like superheroes. Not only are they obtaining college degrees and climbing corporate ladders, they’re doing so while also raising families. They may also find themselves taking care of aging parents at the same time. While some...
When is it Time to Ask for Help?
Depression is a complex mental health issue that varies widely between individuals. This is why it can be difficult for some people to recognize what may be a situational discomfort that may pass on its own, and what may be more serious and require professional...