Revive Health & Wellness Blog
Empowered Connections
Supporting Women in Navigating Love, Identity, and Well-Being
Therapy is just one part of the journey—real growth happens in the moments in between. Our blog is here to support you with insights, practical tips, and reflections to help you navigate life, deepen self-awareness, and continue learning beyond the therapy room.
Body-Positive Weight Management
Body positivity is a movement started by the idea that all human beings, regardless of their size, should feel good about themselves. Body positive advocates encourage others to celebrate their bodies and accept themselves the way they are, instead of trying to squeeze themselves into...

Infertility’s Impact on Women’s Mental Health
Infertility is a condition that refers to an inability to become pregnant or to take a baby to term after one year of trying. This is a heartbreaking reality for many women across the globe. In fact, it is estimated that in the United States...
How Your Diet Can Affect Mood, Cognition, And Sleep
Most of us are aware that what we eat can affect our waistline. But did you know that the foods you eat can also impact your brain, which means they can affect your mood, cognition, and sleep? Think of Your Brain Like an Expensive Car...
4 Ways to Improve Communication in Your Relationship
If you’re reading this blog post, chances are you and your significant other have hit a snag in the relationship. Maybe you’re spending less time with each other and you’ve grown apart. Or maybe you do little else than argue these days. All relationships go...
Signs of Domestic Abuse
When we enter into a relationship, we do so trusting the other person has our best interests at heart. Sadly, many people can eventually find themselves in an abusive relationship. The abuse can be emotional, verbal, and physical. Abusers come in all colors, shapes and...
Student Mental Health Post-Pandemic
At no other time in history have schools had to face so many challenges. The COVID-9 pandemic required teachers, students, and faculty to quickly pivot and move classes to an online environment during times of great uncertainty. Despite the work involved to keep education going,...
The Importance of Community for Your Mental Health
Our mental health significantly impacts our quality of life, so it makes sense that we would want to do all we can to improve it. This may include things like eating healthy foods, exercising, and getting enough quality sleep each night. But there is something...
3 Therapy Approaches for Childhood Trauma
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) , roughly two-thirds of adolescents and teens report experiencing at least one traumatic event by the age of 16. Luckily, a qualified therapist can help kids navigate and process their emotions related to the...
Tips To Stay Healthy During Holiday Meals & Parties
The holidays are just around the corner, and that means singing carols, giving gifts, and eating copious amounts of fat and sugar! While it can feel perfectly fine and fun to be decadent over the holidays, before you know it, January first rolls around and...
Dealing with Family Trauma Around the Holidays
The holidays are often a complex time for many people. On the one hand, there is a sense of joy in the air, while on the other hand, sorrow and grief because of either a loss or dysfunctional family dynamic. The following are some ways...
Holiday Stress Prevention Tips
The holidays are right around the corner! And that means many of us will begin losing our minds, patience, and good cheer. Well, can you blame us? The holidays are one of the most stressful times of the year. Between shopping, decorating, and keeping your...
Communication Tips for Couples in Recovery
If you have found yourself in a troubled relationship, there is a very good chance you grew up with parents who argued and fought often. Your household was most likely filled with the sounds of angry voices, raised in an attempt to be heard or...
Things to Discuss Before Marriage
“I do.” Two simple enough words. And when you say them on your wedding day, you really mean them. But “I do” can quickly turn into, “I thought I could” when you don’t know exactly who or what you are committing to. Let’s face it,...
October is National Depression & Mental Health Screening Month
October is National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month, a time when clinicians and their communities come together to spread awareness and combat mental illness. By working together, we can all promote the importance of mental health screenings while reducing the stigma associated with mental...
What is Emotional Incest?
Many of us grew up in households that were dysfunctional, where boundaries between parents and adults were blurred in unhealthy ways. Emotional incest is not of a sexual nature, but it does describe unhealthy emotional interactions between adults and children that are psychologically inappropriate. What...
Am I Codependent?
Codependency is a term that describes an unhealthy or unbalanced relationship where one person’s needs are met while the others aren’t. Codependent people are said to “enable” the bad behavior of a loved one by supporting them, no matter if it negatively affects their own...
What is the Gottman Method?
When we fall in love with our spouses or partners, we never imagine that someday the honeymoon phase might end. We want to believe those Hollywood romantic comedies that make us believe we will “live happily ever after.” The truth is, all couples have their...
How Anger Affects the Family
As young people, we learn to interact with others based on how our family members interact with each other. Once these communication patterns become established in our young minds, it’s hard to change them as adults. This means that any relational patterns that include angry...
What is Social Anhedonia?
When you boil life down to its very essence, you’ll find what’s left is a series of human emotions. All of the experiences in our life come with emotion, whether it’s joy, sadness, anger, or anxiety. That’s why so many people choose to do everything...