Revive Health & Wellness Blog
Empowered Connections
Supporting Women in Navigating Love, Identity, and Well-Being
Therapy is just one part of the journey—real growth happens in the moments in between. Our blog is here to support you with insights, practical tips, and reflections to help you navigate life, deepen self-awareness, and continue learning beyond the therapy room.
The Caregiver's Guide to Self-Care
Are you acting as a caregiver to a loved one? Maybe your elderly parent or a spouse or child that is battling a serious illness? According to, 36% of Americans provided unpaid care to another adult with an illness or disability in 2012, and...
How to Spot Passive-Aggressive Behavior
There was a time when the phrase passive-aggressive was rarely uttered among non-psychologists. But it’s a phrase that is mentioned often these days. The problem is, passive-aggressive behavior is almost so common, that it’s hard for people to pinpoint what that behavior looks like exactly....
How to Set Healthy Boundaries
Relationships can only be healthy when both people have the space to be themselves and maintain their personal integrity. Sadly, many people find themselves in relationships, romantic and otherwise, with people who do not respect boundaries and feel entitled to have their needs met regardless...
How Infidelity Affects Mental Health
No one ever wants to be on the receiving end of romantic betrayal. The emotional pain of discovering that someone you love and trust has been cheating and lying to you can be overwhelming. When you are the victim of massive deception and betrayal, it...
Coping with the Holidays After Loss
For many people, the holidays are about spending time with loved ones. But for those who have suffered a recent loss, the holidays can be painful and isolating. Here are some ways you can cope with the holidays after a loss…
4 Essential Relationship Elements of a Lasting Love
When we’re young, we’re taught how to share and play well with others. Somehow as adults, these early lessons don’t always translate into building and maintaining loving relationships. But, it’s never too late to learn new life skills, and creating healthy relationships is one of...
Ending a Casual Relationship
Nowadays, it might seem like casual relationships are more common than serious ones. You might call it an open relationship or a friend with benefits, but they all amount to the same thing: a relationship that's usually sexual in nature, but without any form of...
How to Practice Self-Compassion
Most of us from a young age are taught how to be kind, considerate and compassionate toward others. But rarely are we told to show the same consideration to ourselves. This becomes even more true for individuals brought up in abusive or unloving homes. What...
3 Reasons to Stay Single (At Least For a While) After a Breakup
“Try, try again…” “Dust yourself off and start all over again…” “Get right back on that horse…” These are just some of the common phrases we use to support the idea that trying something after it didn’t go so well the first time is a...
6 Tips for Grieving a Loved One
Grieving for a loved one is very possibly the hardest thing you’ll ever have to do. Understand that it will take time and effort to heal, but you will heal if that is what you want. (Holding onto the past and your anguish is an...
Why Talking About Emotions Matters
In relationships, much of what we fight over or are triggered by goes much deeper than couples realize. You may be upset that your partner left his/her socks out again, or that he/she didn’t strike up a conversation with you. Or maybe they had a...
Am I Depressed or Just Sad?
Everyone goes through ups and downs in life. One day you’re feeling great, then the next you are feeling empty and bored with the world, finding yourself ruminating, isolating yourself, or feeling like you don't matter. Many of our clients question the difference between normal...
Don't Fall Victim to These Marriage Myths
Sometimes we fall in love hoping for a lifetime of blissful, romantic, conflict-free connection with our spouse. It’s not unnatural! The “honeymoon stage” – marked with so much positive sentiment, no fighting, tons of sex, affection and laughter unfortunately doesn’t stick around. It’s not wrong...
The Importance of Gratitude
Gratitude is important in any relationship, but particularly between couples. One of the most common challenges that couples face is a lack of appreciation and gratitude for their partner. When you first meet your partner, you can’t believe how lucky you are, how sexy they...
Mindfulness During Sex
Have you felt like you can't focus during sex? Or that you and your partner's sexual desire just WILL NOT align and it's very hard for you to stay in the moment once you begin to have sex? It is very, very common for spouses...
Feeling Disconnected? Here are 3 Ways to Reconnect
Thanks to Hollywood, many couples have been led to believe the secret to reconnecting and rekindling the passion is through a Caribbean cruise, sports cars, or jewelry. But the reality is, once there’s a disconnect between partners, gifts and vacations simply won’t cut it. It...
"Who Wears the Pants?" Advice for Balancing the Power in Your Relationship
When it comes to relationships, it seems there is often a driving force behind the couple, or one partner who seems to always have the upper hand. This is often referred to as “wearing the pants.” The partner who “wears the pants” is the one...
How to Practice Self-Care as a New Mother
While there are many surprises and challenges that await you in motherhood, one of the biggest shocks may be time management, or the feeling of being overwhelmed. No matter how happy and fulfilled you may be as a new mom, if you don’t take time...
4 Ways a Healthy Sex Life Supports Good Mental Health
Every person has essential human needs. When we don’t get those needs met, our mental and sometimes physical health can suffer as a result. When we think of fundamental human needs, food, shelter, and water come to mind. However, a healthy sex life is also...
3 Ways Individual Counseling Can Help Your Marriage
Even happily married couples can hit obstacles along the way. When this happens, couples can either go it alone and try to work through their issues themselves, or they can seek the guidance of a trained and experienced marriage counselor. While some couples feel their...