Relationship Tips for Surviving Corona
Revive is committed to sending relationship tips and strategies, among other tidbits throughout this week knowing how difficult it is to maintain therapy schedules and normal routine during this time.
First of all, HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY everyone! Hard to celebrate anything right now, but even just wishing someone a happy day helps our mood. So, there ya go.
We know relationships will be IN CRISIS over the next few days and weeks. Whether you're single, breaking up, making up, married, quarantined, or whatever. Check out these 3 tips for making this period a little better for your relationship:
Individual Self-Care
Build this into EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. Ideas: meditation, a long bath, a tub of ice cream, a memory shared with your partner, an uplifting show or movie, exercise, FaceTiming a friend, taking a nap, quiet time for yourself to scroll your phone, reading a good book, gratitude practice, practicing your putting (get out those golf clubs!), take a long shower, check in on loved ones. YOU GOT THIS.
Create A Routine
Don't let things evolve with no organization. Talk to your partner (or create this yourself) about how you want your days to look. COMPROMISE. If your partner can't help out for a few hours, take shifts with the household chores or the kids. Organization will help you feel better and more productive.
Practice Your Fondness/Admiration
One of our favorites. WHAT BETTER TIME TO TELL YOUR PARTNER WHAT YOU LOVE ABOUT THEM?! 3 questions to get a conversation started: 1. What do you remember loving about your partner when you first met? 2. Express your favorite characteristic and when you've noticed your partner displaying this lately. 3. Express appreciation for one effort he or she has made to make this current crisis easier for you.
IF YOU'RE SINGLE - self-love time! Answer these questions for yourself and remember the amazing things you bring into this world every day. Self-love and self-compassion are very important right now.